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#101 : Pilote / Plus dure sera la chute

En état de choc, Ellen Parsons erre dans la rue de bon matin à moitié nue et couverte de sang. Que lui est-il arrivé ?

Six mois plus tôt, la jeune avocate avait un avenir prometteur. Elle était sur le point de signer avec un prestigieux cabinet lorsque Hewes & Associés a pris contact avec elle. Patty Hewes, qui dirige le Cabinet d'une main de maître, vient de se lancer dans une croisade contre Arthur Frobisher, un des plus grands dirigeants du pays, et l'un des plus corrompus aussi...



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Pilot / Get Me A Lawyer

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Pilote / Plus dure sera la chute

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Patty reçoit ses clients dans l'affaire contre Frobisher

Patty reçoit ses clients dans l'affaire contre Frobisher



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France (redif)
Mardi 07.07.2009 à 22:30
1.10m / 7.6% (Part)

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France (inédit)
Jeudi 28.02.2008 à 20:55
0.69m / 2.0% (Part)

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Mardi 24.07.2007 à 22:00

Plus de détails

 1.01 - Je veux un avocat

7 heures du matin, les rues de New York, ses taxis, la façade d'un immeuble luxueux, sur un fond de sonnerie d'ascenseur. Zoom sur la porte d'entrée de l'immeuble, puis sur les portes de l'ascenseur qui s'ouvrent sur un dernier tintement.

Une jeune femme qu'on devine peu vêtue sous sa gabardine, ensanglantée et apeurée, en sort et s'élance dans la rue suivie par le regard étonné des passants.

On la retrouve dans un commissariat, effondrée et muette. Derrière la glace sans tain, deux inspecteurs s'interrogent sur ce qu'il lui est arrivé. Ils n'ont trouvé sur elle qu'une carte de visite au nom de Hollis M. Nye, avocat, l'inscription au verso étant devenue illisible.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Six mois plus tôt, la jeune femme, Ellen Parsons, a reçu une offre alléchante d'associée secondaire d'un cabinet d'avocats renommé. Au moment de signer le contrat, son hésitation est remarquée par Hollis Nye, patron du cabinet. Ellen est obligée d'avouer que le cabinet Hewes & Associés l'a contactée la veille. Hollis Nye comprend où va sa préférence et n'insiste pas. 

A l'arrière d'une voiture, Patty Hewes, la cinquantaine très élégante, accompagnée de son associé, reçoit de son adversaire, Martin Cutler, une offre par téléphone de 25 millions de dollars pour conclure une affaire en cours. Jugeant qu'il ne pourrait encaisser un verdict, elle refuse l'offre et rappelle qu'elle demande 150 millions de dollars. Après un échange de paroles « musclées », Patty Hewes obtient satisfaction. 

Le soir même, dans leur bar préféré, Ellen et son fiancé, David Connor, rencontrent Hollis Nye. Il lui confie qu' «avec Patty Hewes, il n'y a que Patty» et qu'il est inquiet quant au devenir de leur couple. Pour lui, Ellen est spéciale mais cela ne rendra la chute que plus dure. Il lui demande de signer au dos de sa carte de visite puis écrit « On m'avait prévenue » avant de s'éloigner laissant Ellen interdite avec la carte. 

Interviewée sur le plateau de Fox News Channel, Patty Hewes déclare qu'elle est là à cause d'une nouvelle affaire contre Arthur Frobisher : 5 000 de ses employés ont perdu toutes leurs économies. Frobisher avait demandé à son personnel d'investir dans la compagnie puis a vendu ses propres actions. Patty dénonce une arnaque spéculative classique. Arthur Frobisher gagne des centaines de millions de dollars en profit personnel pendant que ses employés perdent tout ce qu'ils avaient. L'interview continue sous le regard attentif d'Arthur Frobisher. 

A la sortie des studios, un collaborateur lui confirme une réunion avec ses clients, tout en lui parlant de sa petite amie. Comme pour lui rappeler de garder ses distances et avec amusement, Patty lui apprend qu'elle le pensait « gay ». 

Au cours de la réunion, Patty rappelle à ses clients qu'elle les avait prévenus d'une guerre médiatique. D'autre part, ils se sont engagés dans une bataille contre un homme qui ne reculera devant rien pour préserver sa fortune ce qui rend la résolution d'un litige de ce genre longue et douloureuse. Frobisher va les détruire dans la presse en les attaquant personnellement. Il va leur mener la vie dure pour qu'ils acceptent un arrangement, pendant qu'il passera pour un « gentil », victime innocente mécontente. Elle leur recommande d'être patients, forts et avant tout rester unis en assurant qu'à cette condition, ils gagneront. 

Dans un parc, Ellen, David et sa sœur Katie, tenant son chien en laisse, font du footing. Katie abandonne en expliquant que son restaurant la fatigue énormément. 

Ellen se rend à la convocation de Hewes & Associés pour son entretien d'embauche. Le premier associé de Patty, Tom Shayes, la reçoit. En se rendant à son bureau, Tom lui explique que Patty préconise le travail en équipe ; de fait, elle fait la connaissance d'Oncle Pete, un vieux monsieur, qui travaille avec Patty depuis le tout début. Armé d'un portant à roulettes, il est chargé de l'entretien des vêtements des collaborateurs qui travaillent sur l'affaire Frobisher 24h/24, 7j/7 et n'ont pas le temps de retourner chez eux pour se changer. 

Dans son bureau, Tom shayes explique à Ellen que lors de sa rencontre avec Patty le sujet sera lois constitutionnelles, délits juridiques, contrats. Il l'avertit que ce sera « manger ou être mangée », Patty possédant un instinct infaillible pour cerner les gens. Puis il lui demande de rester disponible toute la journée du samedi suivant car il ne sait pas encore à quelle heure Patty pourra rencontrer Ellen. La sœur d'Ellen se marie ce jour là mais Tom lui demande, si elle veut ce job, de se rendre libre. 

Dans un jardin public où elle se promène en compagnie de son chien, Patty est rejointe par Ray Fisk, avocat de Frobisher. Il a vu l'interview à la télé et essaie de la convaincre qu'il est inutile d'entretenir de l'espoir chez ses clients, alors que les procureurs fédéraux n'ont rien pu prouver contre Frobisher. Ray se demande si elle insiste dans l'intérêt de ses clients ou pour détruire Frobisher. Patty l'abandonne sans répondre. 

Dans une salle de banquet, la fête du mariage de la sœur d'Ellen, Carrie, bat son plein. Ellen n'arrive pas à en profiter car elle ne s'est pas rendue au rendez-vous avec Patty. 

Alors qu'elle se trouve aux toilettes, elle découvre que Patty l'a suivie, un verre de bourbon à la main. Patty sait combien Ellen a travaillé dur pour avoir la chance de travailler chez Hewes & Associés, mais elle a préféré sa famille qui pourtant, d'après elle, n'a pas les mêmes ambitions. Elle la quitte sur un dernier trait : « c'est un choix intéressant ». Ellen la rattrape pour lui demander un autre rendez-vous, Patty lui répond qu'il est inutile car elle est engagée. Elle s'en va laissant Ellen interdite. 

Ray Fisk appelle Frobisher sur son portable alors que celui-ci est sur un circuit de kart, pour lui annoncer qu'il n'a pu obtenir de Patty un accord pour transiger. Frobisher est très contrarié qu'après le gouvernement, il ait Patty aux trousses. Il lui demande de passer un appel pour un appui influent. Ray lui répond de patienter. 

Ellen prend ses fonctions chez Hewes & Associés et reçoit un dossier sur Frobisher et son courtier, Gary Genow, à étudier. 

Le gouvernement n'a pu prouver que les deux hommes se sont rencontrés lors d'un déplacement en Floride pour conclure la vente des actions, le week-end précédant celle-ci. L'affaire ne pourra pas démarrer tant que Hewes & Associés n'aura pas lié Frobisher à son courtier.

Malgré l'emploi du temps de Frobisher très détaillé relevé par les assistants de Patty, aucune preuve de leur contact n'a pu être établie.

Tom la conduit ensuite à son bureau et lui confie que Patty n'aime pas les photos de famille, gris‑gris et autres babioles. Il la laisse ensuite découvrir son bureau, seule.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Au Commissariat, où Ellen a gardé son mutisme, une photo instantanée est prise et montrée à Hollis Nye qui donne son identité et confirme la connaître. Il fournit l'adresse où elle vit avec son fiancé, aux inspecteurs qui le questionnent.

Lorsqu'ils forcent la porte, ils trouvent l'appartement en désordre, visiblement fouillé. L'un d'eux trouve une bague de fiançailles au sol.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Six mois plut tôt, après sa première journée chez Patty, Ellen franchissait cette même porte, joyeuse, portant ses dossiers et plusieurs paquets d'une boutique de vêtements choisis pour elle par une assistante de Patty, qu'elle s'empresse de déballer devant son fiancé David. Elle remarque alors un petit paquet qui n'est pas à elle, d'où elle sort un écrin contenant la bague de fiançailles. Attendrie, elle se jette dans les bras de David qui la regarde amoureusement. 

Ray Fisk entre dans le restaurant où Katie Connor range et fait briller ses verres. Il constate que les travaux avancent bien et que l'ouverture va pouvoir s'effectuer dans les délais prévus. Il lui demande également de signer un nouveau contrat pour garantir la confidentialité et rassurer les investisseurs. Elle souhaite cependant que son avocat le lise auparavant et ne change pas d'avis malgré l'air contrarié de Ray. 

Chez lui, Frobisher reçoit l'un de ses employés, Larry, client de Patty. Il le convainc de son innocence et soutient que Patty Hewes n'est pas la solution ; il a bâti sa fortune avec sa compagnie en partant de rien et souhaite trouver une solution raisonnable à la tragédie qui touche ses employés. Sachant que Larry a toute la confiance du personnel, il lui demande de travailler avec lui en restant discret. Il sollicite Larry pour négocier un chiffre qui semblerait juste à tout le monde. 

Le lendemain, Ray retrouve Patty qui promène son chien et l'informe que Frobisher lui propose un chiffre : 100 millions de dollars. 

Au cours d'une nouvelle réunion avec ses clients, dont Larry, Patty leur fait part de la proposition de Frobisher qu'elle trouve non recevable car elle représente moins de 5 % de ce qu'il peut faire. Les employés approuvent et Larry intervient en signalant qu'ils étaient tous d'accord au départ que si Frobisher proposait 100 millions, ils les accepteraient. 

Patty se tourne vers Tom en lui demandant s'il était au courant. Tom, troublé répond que non et cherche dans ses notes. Larry fait voter à main levée la salle entière pour accepter cette proposition au grand désarroi de l'équipe de Patty. 

De son restaurant, Katie Connor remarque un homme qui semble la surveiller, du trottoir opposé. Elle appelle son frère David pour lui demander une entrevue. 

En sortant de l'Association du Barreau Américain où Patty s'est vue décerner le Prix du Service Public National devant Tom et Ellen, elle reçoit un appel téléphonique de son mari en déplacement à Londres. Ils parlent de leur fils, Michael pour lequel le proviseur souhaite les rencontrer. 

Pendant qu'ils attendent Patty dans la voiture, Tom reçoit un message par lequel les clients demandent pourquoi Patty n'a pas encore accepté l'arrangement proposé par frobisher. Lorsque Patty les rejoint dans la voiture elle reproche à Tom de ne pas l'avoir avertie avant la réunion et le licencie sur le champ, au grand étonnement d'Ellen. 

Katie a retrouvé David chez Ellen et lui explique que Frobisher lui a fait remettre un nouveau contrat à signer pour confidentialité. David est étonné d'apprendre que l'adversaire d'Ellen est aussi l'investisseur du restaurant de Katie. Elle a organisé pour lui une réception d'hommes d'affaires il y a quelques années puis son avocat l'a contactée pour l'aider à ouvrir son restaurant. 

Ellen qui vient d'entrer, comprend qu'il s'agit du week-end en Floride autour duquel tourne toute l'affaire. Elle voudrait en parler à Patty mais David et Katie s'y refusent à cause de la clause de confidentialité. 

Ellen porte des documents à Patty dans la salle d'attente du proviseur ; elle continue à travailler tout en conseillant à Ellen de ne pas avoir d'enfant. Elle aime son fils mais elle ne se croît pas une bonne mère. 

Ellen rentre chez elle où David l'attend. Ell est persuadée que Patty sait : sa future belle-sœur est un témoin potentiel dans la plus grosse affaire de sa carrière, drôle de coïncidence ! Ellen pense avoir été engagée pour approcher Katie.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Dans l'appartement d'Ellen où l'enquêteur a retrouvé la bague, la perquisition continue. Ils entrent dans la salle de bains, on aperçoit des traces de sang sur les murs.

- - - - - - - - - - - 

Ellen est allée interroger Tom ; d'un ton amer il remarque qu'en moins de deux semaines elle commence à penser comme Patty puis il répond qu'ils ne connaissaient pas Katie quand elle a été engagée. Patty a été attirée par le potentiel qu'elle a deviné en Ellen. Katie attend Ellen à l'extérieur dans sa voiture et ne remarque pas le même homme qui l'observe de loin. 

Ray Fisk, dans la voiture de cet homme, tenant à la main des photos d'Ellen avec Katie, avertit Frobisher par téléphone que la nouvelle associée de Patty connaît leur chef de cuisine. Frobisher l'exhorte alors à trouver une solution quel qu'en soit le prix. 

Ellen envisage l'opportunité de parler à Patty bien que David y soit opposé. Pendant ce temps Katie cherche son chien dans son appartement et le découvre égorgé dans la cuisine ainsi qu'un mot lui recommandant le silence. Choquée, elle fait appel à David. Pendant qu'Ellen essaie de la calmer, David nettoie la cuisine puis demande à sa sœur de signer le deuxième contrat de confidentialité. Katie refuse et demande à Ellen d'appeler Patty. 

Ellen va transmettre l'accord de Katie à Patty qui lui promet en retour de faire tout ce qui est en son pouvoir pour protéger son témoin. 

Dans la nuit, oncle Pete rejoint Tom dans un entrepôt désaffecté. Il confirme à Tom qu'il lui manque beaucoup au bureau et que tout le monde pense vraiment qu'il est licencié. Tom donne à Pete un journal dans lequel se trouve une liasse de billets de banque et Pete lui remet un petit paquet à faire passer à Patty.

Debout devant sa maison au bord de l'eau, Patty reçoit Tom qui lui donne le paquet d'oncle Pete. Il lui demande si elle va le remplacer, mais elle répond que non car elle aime bien Ellen qui selon elle, a un avenir prometteur. 

Tom parti, Patty ouvre le paquet d'oncle Pete duquel elle sort le collier du chien de Katie et le jette dans l'eau.

Dans la salle de bains ensanglantée de l'appartement d'Ellen, les inspecteurs découvrent le cadavre de David, comme tombé dans la baignoire. De retour au commissariat ils demandent à Ellen de parler, elle ne répond que pour réclamer un avocat.

 Écrit par mamynicky pour Damages HypnoSeries

New York - In a luxurious building, the elevator doors opens onto a young woman covered in blood. She crosses the lobby, the doorman, on the phone, turns his back. 

The doorman : Yes ma'am, yes ma'am, I'll take a look 

The young woman is running in the street, people turn her on.

We find the young woman at a police station, two inspectors, one man, one woman, watching through a two-way mirror.

Inspector Williams : Blood, half naked, wandering the streets at 7:00 A.M.
Inspector Ortiz  : Just your type. You get a name?

A police officer : She's not responsive. All we found on her was this.

He shows a business card. 

Inspector Williams : "Hollis M. Nye, attorney-at-law." The rest is a mess.
Inspector Ortiz : I guess we know her lawyer.
Inspector Williams : Or her John.
Inspector Ortiz : Or both. Looking at the police officer : You want to get her some clothes?, then she looks at the young woman : Who the hell are you, sweetheart? 

- - - - - -   six months earlier - - - - - -

 A law firm, a job interview :

The head of human resources: Ellen, I think you'll find our offer more than fair for someone just out of law school. We'd like to bring you in as a junior associate, five years guaranteed with a starting salary of...
Ellen : Holy shit.
Hollis Nye : Damn right, "holy shit." Congratulations. You can go ahead and breathe now. Saying yes is going to be the easy part. Ellen... With whom else have you met?
Ellen : No one, Mr. Nye, but Hewes & associates called me yesterday.
The head of human resources : Patty Hewes. Well... good luck to you.
Hollis Nye : You might have mentioned that sooner. Hmm?

In a car with driver, Patty Hewes and his collaborator, Tom Shayes:

Tom (on phone) : All right, I'll tell Ms. Hewes. - To Patty : $25 million is their final offer.
Patty : No, it isn't. They don't have the stomach for a verdict.
Tom : The answer's "no," Mr. Cutler.
Cutler (in a car) : Enough of this shit. Would you please put Patty on the phone?
Tom : (He wants to talk to you.) Nothing's changed, Mr. Cutler. $150 million to settle.
Cutler : Put her on the goddamned line.
Patty : Yes, Martin.
Cutler : You want to be professional for a second?
Patty : Spring's almost here. I adore it. Rebirth. Do you think that's because I'm a water sign?Cutler : I'm trying to do you a favor, Patty. You see the way that forewoman was looking at me?
Patty : I'm a pisces, what are you?
Cutler : Who gives a shit? Fine. Aries. April 3rd, House of the Rising retrograde Mercury bullshit. $25 million, Patty.
Patty : Aries is a fire sign, Martin.
Cutler : 25, Patty. Throw me back something I can work with.
Patty : Your sign's function in life is to resolve conflict.
Cutler : You're right. 25.
Patty : I guess this time you came up short. 

On the steps, before the court:

Cutler : This is charity, Patty. I shredded your experts on cross.
Patty : Did you?
Cutler : You didn't prove my client was at fault.
Patty : Children died, Martin.
A Patty's assistant: Ms. Hewes? The verdict's coming in.
Patty : It's your last chance to get off cheap. 150.
Cutler : 50, Patty. Tops.
Patty : Reggie Dwayne Thomas.
Cutler : Who the hell's that?
Patty : A second grader and a mets fan. You know him as patient 61. As his immune system was being decimated, Reggie asked me for two things...
Cutler : 75, Patty.
Patty : That his team make the playoffs and that someone punish the company that made him sick.
Cutler : All right, goddamn it, 150! That's it, we're done.
Tom (tendering his phone) : Soon as you tell it to the judge.
Cutler (on phone) : Judge Catrall. My call is for the defense, your honnor. We reach the settlement : 150.
Cutler (to Patty) : You're a real hard-dicked bitch, you know that ?
Patty : Afternoon, madam Foreman.
Cutler : I thought you just reached a verdict.
Mme Foreman : Not at Quiznos, we didn't. We broke for lunch.
Cutler (to Patty) : If you were a man, I'd kick the living dogshit out of you.
Patty : If you were a man, I'd be worried.

In a taxi, Ellen and David : 

Ellen : And then I left 150 grand on the table. That's twice the money my parents make in a year. Combined. Am I crazy?
David : I hope so.

 They come in a bar :

Ellen : You want to grab a table? First round's on me. What the hell is he doing here ?
David : Who ?
Ellen : Mr. Nye.
Hollis Nye : I was told this is your spot.
Ellen : All my secrets are out, huh ? I appreciate your offer today.
Hollis Nye : Oh, no, no, no, we're fine. We have a lot of good candidates. It's you I'm worried about. Say, is, uh... is that your boyfriend ?
Ellen : Yeah.
Hollis Nye : Are you two happy ?
Ellen : Very.
Hollis Nye : I'm sorry to hear that.
Ellen : Excuse me?
Hollis Nye : There won't be room for him and Patty. There won't be room for you and Patty. With Patty Hewes, there's only Patty. Oh, I came here for a favor. Could you autograph that for me, please ? It'll clear my conscience. You're special, Ellen. But that'll only make the fall harder.
Ellen : What are you talking about ?
Hollis Nye : Your ambition. Maybe we need people like Patty who see their destiny in grander terms than the rest of us. But that doesn't mean that you should go work for her. So think about it. My offer's still good.
Ellen : My interview is on wednesday. I haven't even gotten the job yet.
Hollis Nye : You will. Once Patty meets you, there's no turning back. She'll see what I see. And she'll own you.

He tends his business card on which she signed a message that says:

"I was warned. Ellen Parsons"

"Hollis M. Nye, attorney-at-law"


A studio TV:

Presenter (Greta): I've invited you to the show a hundred times before. You've never come, so why now?
Patty : Well, actually, I thought it was "Deal or No Deal". I mean, where's the bald guy?
Greta : He's backstage. We stuffed him in a briefcase. So what's the real story? Why now?
Patty : I'm here because of Arthur Frobisher. 5,000 of his employees lost their life savings as a result of his actions.
Greta : Alleged actions. He was found not guilty at a criminal trial.
Patty : No, it's a matter of public record. Arthur Frobisher told his employees to invest in the company and then sold his own stock. It's classic pump and dump.
Greta : He claims he had a prior arrangement with his broker to sell.
Patty : You believe that? Arthur Frobisher made hundreds of millions in personal profit while his workers lost their pensions, their 401Ks, everything they had.
Greta : Government couldn't prove it.
Patty : Greta, I think there's a lot of things our government can't do.
Greta : We're gonna take a quick break. We'll be right back with high stakes litigator, Patty Hewes.
The manager : And we're out!
Greta : That was great.
Patty : It's good to meet you finally.
Greta : Nice to meet you. 

At their exit from the studio, a collaborator, Andrew, escorts Patty:  

Andrew : Tom confirmed the client reps for tomorrow.
Patty : Good.
Andrew : Wish my girlfriend could've been here. We're huge Greta fans.
Patty : You have a girlfriend?
Andrew : She teaches at your son's school.
Patty : I thought you were gay. 

Meeting employees of Frobisher at Hewes & Associates: 

An employee, Larry Poplar : Ms. Hewes, tell us what we can do. You're our lawyer.
An other employee, Karen : We're in the news every day. Look at this. Frobisher's lawyer called us greedy in the Wall Street Journal.
Larry Poplar : On CNN, he said we're the bloodsuckers.
Patty : I warned you the media war was coming. Well, here it is.
Larry Poplar : I don't want my grandkids hearing these lies.
Patty : I know, Larry, it's deeply upsetting. And Frobisher's people are spinning his case exactly the way we would expect them to.
Karen : Well, what can we do about it?
Patty : I need you to understand this. We are engaging in a battle with a man who will stop at nothing to preserve his fortune. High-stakes litigation is a long and painful process. Frobisher will destroy us in the press, he will attack us personally, he will try to turn our lives upside down so that we'll want to settle. Meanwhile, his attorneys will spin him as the good guy, the aggrieved innocent victim. So we have to be patient, and we have to stay strong. But most of all, we have to all stick together. If we do that, we'll win. 

In a park, Ellen, David and his sister, Katie, are jogging. Katie holds her dog Safran, on a leash. 

Katie : Okay, enough already.
Ellen : Sorry. Was I pushing it?
Katie : No, it's good, I just haven't exercised in, like, three months. The restaurant's killing me. I've never worked so hard in my life.
Ellen : Did you hire a staff yet?
Katie : Starting to. Would you look over some contracts?
Ellen : Sure.
Katie : Saffron. Good girl.
David : Oh, nice work. You actually got my sister to break a sweat.
Ellen : Yeah.
Katie : Oh, you ass.
Ellen : Oh, my God. (She looks a message on his mobile)
David : What is it?
Ellen : They bumped up my interview.

 In the lobby of Hewes & Associates :  

A collaborator, (Félicia) : Ms. Hewes, we're ready for your briefing in conference room one.
Patty : Thank you, Felicia.
Patty (to Ellen, waiting to be received): I'm sorry, someone helping you?
Ellen : Uh, I'm Ellen Parsons.
Patty : Who?
Ellen : I'm here for, um, to interview.
Patty (going away): Well, good luck to you.
Tom : Ellen? Tom Shayes. We spoke on the phone.
Ellen : Oh. Hello.

Tom : Right. Right this way. Here you go. 

They are going to the office of Tom : 

Tom : So, one of the advantages, you know, you're not going to be buried in paperwork your first year. Unlike big firms, Patty believes in a team approach, that kind of thing.
Uncle Pete : Sorry, Tom.
Tom : That's okay, it's all right. Ellen, Uncle Pete. Uncle Pete's been with Patty longer than any of us. He's really the one who runs everything around here.
Uncle Pete : Good to meet you, Ellen.
Ellen : Nice to meet you.
Tom : It's dry cleaning. We've been working on the Frobisher case 24/7. Some of our associates haven't been able to go home yet. 

In the office of Tom : 

Tom : It's best not to go into an interview with Patty cold. Most likely, she'll grill you on precedents for our current case, but any topic is fair game... constitutional law, torts, contracts.
Ellen : No problem.
Tom : Patty is not looking to see how you handle the facts, she's looking to see how you handle yourself, how you think, how you express yourself.
Ellen : Okay, got it.
Tom : Yeah. No, you don't. When it comes to reading people, Patty lives and dies by instinct. This woman has the sharpes bullshit meter I've ever seen. And you're at the most difficult step. It's do or die. If you're phony with her for one second, she'll skewer you.
Ellen : Good. Phony's not my strong suit.
Tom : Good. So we have you sitting down with Patty Saturday.
Ellen : Come again?
Tom : Exact time TBD. We're going to ask that you just leave the whole day available.
Ellen : I thought the interview was today.
Tom : No, no. We couldn't have you sit down with Patty without you meeting me first.
Ellen : But I can't do Saturday.
Tom : Work it out. Patty's schedule is impossible.
Ellen : My sister's getting married on Saturday.
Tom : All day ?
Ellen : You know, you didn't just think that. You actually said it.
Tom : Look, Ellen, most people never get this chance. Do you want it or not? 

In a park, Patty oversees the dog dropped it. Two dogs compete. 

A walker : My dog's on a leash. Come on. 

Ray Fiske, Frobisher's lawyer approaches Patty :

Ray : Makes you long for the reasoned justice of the courtroom, don't it?
Patty : Ray, I didn't know you walked your own dog. Which one is yours?
Ray : Under the tree. The Doberman. Yours?
Patty : He's that mutt over there trying to hump the Ridgeback. Sorry.
Ray : Hey, you know, I caught you on TV last night. Seems foolish to get your clients'hopes up when the government already spit the bit. Federal prosecutors proved nothing against my client. Heaven knows, neither will you.
Patty : I'm at a dog park, Ray.
Ray : You're right, you're right. Let's not have this get pissy like last time. Give me a number, Patty. Mr. Frobisher's already lost three years of his life to a government trial. Maybe I can talk him into saving himself another three.
Patty : A jury will give him a number, Ray.
Ray : You in this for your clients or to destroy Arthur Frobisher?
Patty : Both.
Ray : You are so full of shit, Patty. You know what I like most about you? You have no case.
Patty (whistles her dog ): Come on! Nice seeing you, Ray.


The reception hall, wedding of Carrie, sister of Ellen :

Carrie : Aunt Barb and Uncle Fran all the way from California. And, Cathy and Rich, thank you so much, coming all the way from New Jersey. And I want to thank everyone...
David : You know you actually make that dress work?
Ellen : Thanks, babe.
David : You okay?
Ellen : Yeah, it's... the one day of the year I can't interview, and they won't reschedule.
David : They're Hewes & Associates.
Ellen : I know, I know.
Carrie: I especially want to thank my sister, Ellen. And even though I've got three years on her, Ellie's always been my big sister, you know? Always giving me advice, and... I swore to myself I was going to make it through without crying.
Ellen : I love you, Carrie.
Carrie: Okay, here she goes again. I wish I could have been a better role model, you know, but you were always perfect at everything, and... there wasn't ever anything you need me for, so... 

Ellen runs into the arms of his sister. Later, she goes to the toilet where Patty surprises her.

Patty : Well, if it isn't the maid of honor. Thought you might need a breather.
Ellen : Ms. Hewes. What are you doing here?
Patty : I had to meet you.
Ellen : Why?
Patty : Because, kiddo, you're the first person stupid enough to turn me down. I'm glad I'm not in your shoes. Family toasts, public displays of affection... absolute torture. Bourbon? Helps take the edge off.
Ellen : I should probably just bite the bullet.
Patty : So what about you, Ellen? Do you see a husband in your future?
Ellen : Yeah, I guess. I hope so.
Patty : You know what they say. "Hope is the thing with feathers. "
Ellen : Emily Dickinson. That bitch will say anything. Ms. Hewes, I'm sorry I missed our meeting today.
Patty : No, no. I understand. I understand. The good sister.
Ellen : It's just that this is family, and if I skipped the wedding for a job interview...
Patty : You'd confirm their worst fear.
Ellen : Which is?
Patty : They're good, hardworking people, and they're afraid of losing you.
Ellen : Wait. How long have you been here?
Patty : They actually remind me of my family. You love them, you do anything for them. The problem is, they don't have your ambition.
Ellen : What's the problem?
Patty : You try to lead by example, and they want you to lead, and then they resent you for it. They put you on a pedestal, look up to you, and then blame you for the crick in their necks.
Ellen : Oh, that problem.
Patty : I know how hard you worked to get your shot with me, but you turned it down to be with your family. That's an interesting choice.
Ellen : Ms. Hewes ? Is there any way I could still interview?
Patty : I think it would be a waste of time, Ellen. You're hired.


Arthur Frobisher and his brother-in-law are training themselves on a quad bike track.

Ray Fiske (at phone) : I hate to interrupt your morning, Art, but it's not good.
Frobisher (at phone) : All right, how much does she want?
Ray Fiske : Say again? I can barely hear you.
Frobisher : Yeah, I'm in the middle of a storm here, Ray. How much does she want?
Ray Fiske : She wouldn't give me a number.
Frobisher : If she's got a pulse, she's got a price.
Ray Fiske : Well, it's one you can't afford. She's on a mission here, and she won't stop till you're strung up in the public square.
Frobisher : All right, you know what? It's time you made the call, Ray.
Ray Fiske : We're not there yet, Art.
Frobisher : I'm sick of this shit. First the government, now this bitch, shit! Do you know something? My wife's about to leave me because of this. My kids are getting harassed at school. This bullshit never ends. Make the call. I want some leverage.
Ray Fiske : Give me some time.
Frobisher : No. Time's up. Hey, Ray, what you called them "bloodsuckers"? What's that about? Come on. Lighten up on the rhetoric.
Fiske : Art...
Frobisher : Yeah, I can't hear you. Look, if you need me, I'm going to be at the Brewster Trauma Center. My idiot brother-in-law can't drive those shit.
Frobisher (to the paramedics) : I'm going with you, so wait just one second.


At Hewes & Associates, Andrew, an assistant is talking with Ellen :

Andrew : Arthur Frobisher's dossier, and his broker, Gary Genow. What do you know?

Ellen : The government lost because they couldn't link these guys. Frobisher claimed he had a preexisting agreement to sell his stock. Genow backs him up, but that's a crock.

Andrew : Very good. However, Frobisher and Genow were both in Florida the weekend prior to the sell off.


Another assistante, Felicia, is giving intructions to Ellen :

Felicia : We don't have a case unless we can connect Frobisher with his broker.

Ellen : Which the government couldn't do even though both men were in Florida?

Felicia : We interviewed every employee, colleague and golf buddy within 100 miles of Arthur Frobisher on the day in question.

Andrew : And we managed to piece together Frobisher's whereabouts.

- On Saturday, June 19, from 9:00 a. m. to 1:00 p. m., he plays 18 holes in Palm Beach.

Felicia : We interviewed club members, guests and employees, but no sign of his broker.

Andrew : From 1:00 p. m. to 3:00, he lunches with a few of his fortune 500 pals... lobster bisque, Kobe beef.

Felicia : But his broker is nowhere to be found.

- From 3:00 p. m. to 6:00 p. m., Frobisher's at the spa getting a full body treatment.

Ellen : For three hours? What was he getting waxed?

Felicia : 6:00 p. m., Frobisher flies home in his private jet, arrives at Teterboro Airport at 9:00 p. m. He's home safe and sound by 10:00.

Andrew : So somehow Frobisher and his broker communicated down in Florida, but no one saw them together.

Ellen : So they probably used an intermediary. Someone played messenger.

Andrew : Unfortunately, that could be anyone in the entire state of Florida. Patty's got all her contacts in the Sunshine State looking into it. Whatever happened, someone down there must know something.


Tom Hayes goes by the door :

Tom : Ellen? You've got a 4:00 p. m. at Bergdorf's. Go to VIP Services. Talk to Suzanne. She knows what Patty likes. First... your home away from home.


Tom is showing Ellen her office :

Tom : Free piece of advice. Don't... don't make it your own. Patty doesn't want family photographs, tchotchkes, knickknacks. And don't bring anything you can't carry out in one trip when she fires you. I'm kidding... sort of. While pointing all the files upon Ellen's desk : Frobisher discovery. Patty will need a full summary. She wants to see how you write.


At the police station, where Ellen is kept, inspector Dan williams takes a picture of her to show to Hollis Nye with his associate, inspector Rosario Ortiz.

Hollis Nye : Her name is Ellen Parsons.

Ortiz : You her lawyer?

Hollis Nye : Is she okay?

Ortiz : Are you her lawyer?

Hollis Nye : No. A friend.

Williams : You have a current address?

Hollis Nye : Yes. Certainly. She lives with her fiancé.


At Ellen's, both inspectors crash the door and come into the appartment. Williams carfeully picks up an engagement ring and show it to Ortiz.


Ellen comes into her apparment, with lots of files and packages while calling David:

Ellen : Okay, that was insane. There's more.

David : Let me grab those.

Ellen : There were, like, five women helping me try on a pair of pants.

David : Oh! I'd enjoy that.

Ellen : At one point, I was half naked, and Barbara Walters walked into the dressing room.

David : That... not so much.

Ellen : They had everything ready to go, pulled in my size.


Ellen shows the clothes in Davids' packs.

David : Nice.

Ellen : Can't wait for a reason to wear it. Discovering a package : Oh, wait. This isn't mine.

David : No?

Ellen : How did this get in here?

David : I don't know.


Ellen finds an engagement ring in the package.

Ellen (moved) : Baby.


Ray fiske pay a visit to katie connor, david's sister, in her restaurant, she's arranging dishes.

Ray Fiske : I hear we're a little behind schedule for the opening.

Katie (to a noisy contractor) : Frank...

Katie : In the restaurant business, a little behind is a lot ahead. We're doing just fine. But you did say you would call before you came.

Fiske : Oh, my boss wanted me to check up on his investment. And good news... I was able to push this through.

Katie : My liquor license! Oh, excellent. Thank you.

Fiske : Hey, there, fella. What's his name?

Katie : Her. Saffron.

Fiske : Got one myself. Most loyal creatures on God's green Earth. Oh, one more thing. I need your "Jane Hancock"... here and here.

Katie : I think I've already signed one of these.

Fiske : Oh, this just clarifies the scope of your existing confidentiality agreement. I do hate housekeeping. It's standard boilerplate.

Katie : Okay, I'll get my lawyer to take a look.

Fiske : There's some problem?

Katie : No, no problem. I just...

Fiske : Permits are coming through, you're getting everything you need?

Katie : Yeah, absolutely. You guys have been great.

Fiske : Good. I'm glad to hear that. I'd hate for anything to hold up your opening.

Katie : Oh, so would I. I'm sorry. I'm going to have to get back to work.

Fiske : By all means. Good girl, Saffron. You be a good girl, too.


At Forbishers's, Arthur is showing his weapons collection to one oh his employee, Larry Popler.

Frobisher : My great-great grandfather designed this. He grew rich on the munition demands of the Civil War. In fact, he started this club over a hundred years ago. I hear you know your way around a rifle, Larry.

Popler : The Marines was a long time ago, Mr. Frobisher.

Frobisher : These guns are all that's left of my family's fortune. The Depression wiped us out.

Popler : I didn't know that.

Frobisher : Yeah. Sit down, come on. That's good lemonade, isn't it?

Popler : Yeah.

Frobisher : I grew up with nothing. At 17, I walked out of my father's house without a dime, bull-headed and full of pride. It took almost three decades, but I built my company from the ground up. That company meant everything to me. But what happened to you... to all my employees, is a tragedy.

Popler : Yes, it is.

Frobisher : But, Larry, Patty Hewes... she's not the answer. I mean, she's an egomaniac, and she's going to lose. You know why?

Popler : No, sir.

Frobisher : Because I didn't do it. I'm a very rich man. I make no apologies for that. But I'm also an innocent man, and I want to come to some reasonable solution to this.

Popler : What do you want from me?

Frobisher : All right... I know that you have the employees'ear, that they trust you. I think that you and I together... could end this. Now, we'll... we'll be discreet. We'll take care of you when this is all settled, but all I'm asking for is a number that you think is fair. That's all.


Ray fiske finds Patty Hews in the park where whe is with her dog.

Ray Fiske : Mr. Frobisher has a number for you.


In Hewes & associates office, Tom and ellen talk on the way to the meeting with their « clients » :

Ellen : He wants to settle for $100 million? That's ridiculous.

Tom : That's total bullshit, but it's our duty to take it to the clients.

Ellen : What if they accept?

Tom : It's never going to happen. This is Patty Hewes. Watch and learn.


In the meeting room.

Patty : Arthur Frobisher stole your future. He stole financial security from your children and your children's children. Now, this offer... it might pay for today's bills, but you've got to remember there are 5,000 of you. There's going to be nothing left for tomorrow. Frobisher wants this case settled before we can expose the truth.

An employee : You want the truth? We're broke.

An other : Exactly. $100 million.

An other : Mrs. Hewes, that's a one with a hell of a lot of zeroes.

Patty : Absolutely, but it's what Frobisher wants to pay to get rid of you. If you want to send a message to this man, he has to pay a price that he can't afford. Frobisher's net worth is upward of two and a half billion dollars. Now $100 million sounds like a lot of money, and it is, but it's less than five percent of what this man is worth.


I think we have a strong case. I'd like to take it to a jury and let them decide what Mr. Arthur Frobisher owes you.

Larry Popler : Now, hold on, hold on here, people. We discussed this, and we all agreed if Frobisher ever offered $100 million we'd accept it.


Patty faces Tom :

Patty : Do you know about this?

Tom : Of course not. It's ridiculous.

Popler : Mrs. Hewes, you work the percentage, right?

Patty : Right.

Popler : More money from Frobisher means more money for you. The rich get richer.

Patty : You're absolutely right. I have made a lot of money. I'm good at what I do. But it also affords me the luxury to only take cases that I feel passionately about. And I feel passionately about this case.

Popler : If we turn this settlement down, the case could drag on for years and we could end up getting nothing.

An employee : You can survive that... we can't.

Popler : Let's stick to our plan. Take this money and get on with our lives.

Patty : Karen, Larry, if I may, I just want to say one thing...

Popler : All due respect, Mrs. Hewes, I say we end this here and now. On behalf of custodial services, I vote to accept the settlement.


Popler gives a hand up and all the employees follow him. Patty stares at them.


At the American Bar Association (ABA) headquarters, a representative is making a speech.

George : I am pleased to present the American Bar Association's national public service award to Patricia C. Hewes.

Patty : Thank you, George. I'm particularly touched to receive this award from you and thanks to the ABA for your recognition and support. I'm deeply honored and grateful. And all of you for coming out this morning. I have to admit, I wouldn't want to give up my saturday morning to listen to me, so I will... I will try to be brief.

Tom : Look at her. Normally, she turns this shit down. She hates awards.

Ellen : Then why is she here?

Tom : For the P.R.

Patty : < has just become another tool... >

Tom : Most cases you get your clients $100 million, you're a hero. But if Frobisher gets off that easy, the whole legal world will know she tanked it.

Patty : < The powerful corrupt the law when they use it as a club to bludgeon the weak. >


Katie Connor, on the phone, takes the garbage out in front of the restaurant.

Katie : Yes, ma'am, my produce is 100% locally grown, organic. And I was trained at the culinary institute, yes. The culinary institute.


She notices a man, a bit further, who seems to be keeping a watch on her.

Katie : Ma'am, can I... Can I give you a call back?


The man watches her going into the restaurant.


David Connor (at phone) : Hey, sis, what's up?

Katie (at phone) : David, where are you?

David : I'm at Ellen'S. Just got off a shift. What's up?

Katie : We need to talk.


Tom and Ellen leave the room where Patty has just received her award.

Patty (at phone) : There you are.

Philippe (Patty's husband) : Is this the lawyer of the year?

Patty : Is this the man who kidnapped my husband? How's London?

Philippe : London? Is that where I am? I've lost track.

Patty : Michael's headmaster called.

Philippe : Yeah, I know. We're on for monday morning. I'll have a talk with Michael when I get home.

Patty : Another talk's going to help?

Philippe : Probably not. Any headway with the witness?

Patty : No.

Philippe : You eating?

Patty : Yeah. More or less.

Philippe : Sleeping?

Patty : Phil, stop it. I'm fine.

Philippe : No, you're not. I can hear it in your voice.

Patty : Fly safe. I'll see you tomorrow.

Philippe : Bye.


In Patty's car, Tom and Ellen are talking waiting for her.

Tom : The clients want to know to know why Patty hasn't accepted the settlement yet.

Ellen : What is she waiting for?

Tom : I don't know.

Patty (in the car, to Tom) : Why the long face? Lighten up. I just got a goddamn award. So who's hungry? I'm thinking steak. Ellen, do you eat meat?

Ellen : Sure.

Patty : Attagirl. Tom here's a vegan.

Tom : Only for health reasons.

Patty : Health reasons... Right. I know everything about you, don't I, Tommy? Who's been with me ten years come august?

Tom : I have.

Patty : And who did I trust to be my client liaison on this case?

Tom : You trusted me.

Patty : But who let me get blindsided by their intentions?

Tom : How could I have possibly...?

Patty : How could you have possibly made such a catastrophic screw up? I wish I could answer that. Enjoy your tofu, tom, you're fired.

Tom : Are you serious?

Patty (to Ellen) : How about sushi?

Tom : Patty...

Patty : Do you like fish?

Tom : Your clients purposefully misled me.

Patty : I know a great place.

Tom : Listen to me...

Patty : No, you listen to me. Get out of the car!

Tom : This is bullshit!

Patty : Get out of the car!

Patty : Get - out!

Tom : Oh, Jesus.


Tom leaves the car. 

Patty : Joe, you know the place I'm thinking about. That cute little Japanese place, second and what... in the 70s?


In Ellen's apartment 

David : You're my sister. How do you know Arthur Frobisher?

Katie : I catered a function for him and some businessmen.

David : When?

Katie : A few years ago. Then a week after the event, his lawyer called me and told me Frobisher was a huge fan and that he wanted to help me open a restaurant.

David : Katie, why the hell didn't you tell me that you worked for Arthur Frobisher?

Katie : I didn't know anything about him at the time.

David : But then the government tried him and he was all over the news. Jesus, Katie, you didn't think that you should mention it?

Katie : By that time, I couldn't tell you. I'd already signed the original confidentiality agreement.

David : And now you've got some guy who's waiting outside...


Ellen enters, talking on the phone. 

Ellen : He needs them signed today? Oh, okay. I'll bring them right over. What's wrong?


A bit later : 

Ellen : So this function you catered, was that in Florida?

Katie : Yeah, palm beach. How did you know?

Ellen : Katie, this whole case turns on one weekend, and you were there.

David : Turns how?

Ellen : Somehow Frobisher communicated with his broker down in palm beach. You must have seen something that they didn't want you to see.

Katie : I never even spoke to Frobisher. I just cooked for the guy. What could I possibly know?

Ellen : I'm not sure. The government never contacted you?

Katie : No. So obviously I thought that their case had absolutely nothing to do with me.

Ellen : I have to tell Patty you were down there, she should interview you.

David : She can't. Katie signed a confidentiality agreement.

Ellen : A judge can override that.

Katie : Wait. You want me to be a witness against Frobisher?

Ellen : Yes, if you know something.

Katie : He's my investor. He's the only reason I have this restaurant in the first place.

David : If she goes to Patty, she's going to be screwed. She will lose everything, won't she?

Katie : What should I do?

Ellen : I don't know.


Her phone rings : 

Ellen : Shit! Andrew, yes, yes, I'm on my way. I'm on my way.

Ellen : I have to go.

David : So are you going to tell Patty?


Ellen goes without answering. 


In the hall of Patty's building. 

Ellen to the doorman : Hi, I'm here to see Ms. Hewes.

the doorman : Certainly. Lucia ! Esta es la mujer.

Lucia : Are you Ellen?

Ellen : Yeah, I guess.

Lucia : Ms. Hewes had to go to Michael's school. She waits for you.

Ellen : Oh, okay.

Lucia : Goodbye, Ellen.


To Michael's school

Patty : You're staring at me.

Ellen : Sorry.

Patty : What, Ellen? Speak. You think I shouldn't have fired Tom?

Ellen : It's not for me to say.

Patty : This moron always keeps me waiting. You might as well sit down.

Ellen : Is everything all right?

Patty : He's threatening to expel my son.

Ellen : Oh. I'm sorry.

Patty : Do yourself a favour, Ellen, don't have kids. I read an interview once with a Nobel prize winner... physicist, genius, married six times. He said: "don't have kids. " Ruins your ambition, keeps you from what you want in life. He said to have wives instead. You can leave wives. You can't leave your own kids.

Ellen : Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

Patty : My son came out of me perfectly healthy... Ten fingers, ten toes, everything works. I've managed to keep him alive for 17 years, but I am not a good mother.

Ellen : I'm sure you are.

Patty : Kids are like clients. They want all of you, all the time. I mean... don't get me wrong, I love my son.

Ellen : Well, that's the main thing.

Patty : No.

Love's nothing, love's easy. They come out of you, you love them. What you do after that is the hard part. You know what I like about you? There's always something going on. I could see it at your sister's wedding. And you don't fall for bullshit.


Ellen comes back to her apartment. 

Ellen : Patty knows about Katie.

David : You told her?

Ellen : I didn't have to. I mean, think about it. My future sister-in-law is a potential witness in the biggest case in Patty's career. I mean, that's a pretty big coincidence, isn't it?

David : You think Patty hired you just to get to Katie?


In Ellen's apartment, the inspectors are continuing their investigation. Opening the bathroom door, a pigeon comes out and flies through the apartment. We can see bloodstains on the walls.


Ellen has met Tom at the merry-go-round where his daughter, Megan, is learning to be on horseback :

Tom : Keep your heels down, Megan. So, you want to know if Patty knew about your friend, before she hired you?

Ellen : I know I sound paranoid, but you're the only one I can trust.

Tom : No, you sound, you sound smart.

Ellen : What?

Tom : Patty was right about you. You are a force to be reckoned with. In less than 2 weeks, you're already starting to think like her.

Ellen : Did she only hire me to deliver her witness?

Tom : Personally, I try not to guess what Patty Hewes does or doesn't know.

Ellen : And what about you?

Tom : Me? Of course not. Today is the first I'm hearing about your friend.

You know, Patty didn't even know who you were until I briefed her. Then she read your resume, met you at the wedding, and in ten years,I've never seen her more excited about somebody's potential. That's the only reason she hired you, Ellen. There's no way she... There's no way she knew about your friend.

Megan : Daddy, look at me!

Tom : Yeah, it's looking good, looking good, Megan!

So... what are you going to do?


Ellen leaves the merry-go-round and meets Katie, who's waiting for her outside. Katie is still under the surveillance of the same man.


Frobisher and his son are just about to eat a sandwich from a hamburger stand. 

Frobisher : Thank you. Here you go.

Owen : Thanks, dad.


His mobile rings. 

Frobisher : Ray, make this quick. I got a meeting with the chairman of the board. We're cooking up something big here.

Ray Fiske : Patty Hewes has a new associate.

Frobisher : So what? I thought they voted to accept the settlement. I haven't gotten the call yet

Fiske : and I'm worried.


The henchman who was keeping a watch on Katie gives Ray some photos.

Fiske : The new associate's been talking to Katie Connor.

Frobisher : Who?

Fiske : Our chef.

Frobisher : Ray, whatever it takes... fix this.


In her apartment, Katie calls for her dog which doesn't reply.

Katie :



- - - - - - - - - -

Meanwhile, David informs Ellen of his disagreement.

David : It doesn't matter what Tom said, I don't want Katie involved.

Ellen : David.

- - - - - - - - - -


Katie : Saffron?


- - - - - - - - - -


David : Have you heard of Vanessa Tutto?

Ellen : Who?

David : The whistleblower in that airlines case. Dateline did a whole thing on her. Her life turned to shit.


- - - - - - - - - -

Katie : Saffron?


- - - - - - - - - -

Ellen : David, if I don't tell Patty about Katie, the clients lose the case.

David : I'm not sure that you can be totally objective about this.

Ellen : What is that supposed to mean?

David : That you'll score points with Patty.

Ellen : I would never do any to hurt Katie.

David : Then just keep her out of this!


- - - - - - - - - -

Meanwhile, Katie finds her dog's body, which has been killed, in her kitchen. There is a message on the wall : <Quiet!>


David and Ellen have met her. 

Ellen : Did you call the ER?

David : Yeah, they're waiting for us.

Enough of this Katie. Just give these guys what they want.

Katie : No! Call Patty. I want to nail Frobisher.


Ellen has met Patty in a piano bar and has kept her up to date.

Patty : You know what this means? They're going to keep coming after her... personally, legally, in whatever way they can.

Ellen : Katie understands. If Frobisher thought this would shut her up, it's done the opposite.

Patty : I want to be very clear with you, Ellen. This is a big step.

Ellen : What about the settlement?

Patty : We'll depose Katie. If she knows something, we'll get our clients to turn it down.

Ellen : Good. I'm glad.

Patty : Ellen. I don't take this for granted. I know how hard it is for you.

Ellen : Well, if Katie can help the case, then we're doing the right thing.

Patty : I'll do everything in my power to protect her.

Ellen : Good.


From her bedroom window, Katie can observe that the same man is still here to keep a watch on her.


At home, worried about Katie, they receive her in order to protect her.

David : I'm worried.

Ellen : I know. But we're in good hands. Patty knows what she's doing.


Late in the evening, in a remote place, Tom is waiting for a car.

Uncle Pete gets out of it and they trade two packets.

Tom : You find this place okay, uncle Pete?

Uncle Pete : Hey! I miss seeing you around the office, Tommy. Everyone thinks you were actually canned.

Tom : Yeah, so did I. What's this?

Uncle Pete : A souvenir for Patty.

Tom : I'll get it to her, uncle Pete.

Uncle Pete : Yeah.


Uncle Pete takes a pack of banknotes out. 


Patty is waiting for Tom at her beach house. 

Tom : Maybe one of these days I'll stop being impressed. Ellen figures out why you hired her, and you still get her to deliver the witness.

From uncle Pete.

Tom : Are you interviewing for a new associate?

Patty : No, I like Ellen. I think she's going to have a brilliant future.


Patty takes the collar of Katie's dog out of Uncle Pete's package. She throws it far away, in the water.


The inspectors have found David's body covered with blood, as fallen backwards in the bath, with fixed and wide opened eyes.


At the police station.

Inspecteur Ortiz : Ellen. You'd better start talking.

Ellen : Get me a lawyer.



Traduction de Babou31,  estel6317 et WiniFRED



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Le retour de la momie pour son 25ème anniversaire.

Le retour de la momie pour son 25ème anniversaire.
Le film réalisé par Stephen Sommers, La Momie, sorti en 1999, revient en salles à partir du 26 avril...

Ryan Philippe à l'affiche du prochain thriller PREY

Ryan Philippe à l'affiche du prochain thriller PREY
Ryan Philippe figure au casting du prochain thriller de survie PREY (Proies), aux côtés d'Emile...

Un casting de haut vol pour la nouvelle adaptation des «Quatre Fantastiques»

Un casting de haut vol pour la nouvelle adaptation des «Quatre Fantastiques»
A l'occasion du Comic Con de San Diego en 2019, le producteur de Marvel, Kevin Feige, avait annoncé...

76ème cérémonie des DGA Awards

76ème cérémonie des DGA Awards
Lhôtel Beverly Hilton accueillait la 76e cérémonie des DGA Awards (Directors Guild of America), qui...

Glenn Close en France

Glenn Close en France
Glenn Close, (Damages) rayonnante dans un tailleur crème sur mesure, a participé à la semaine de la...


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ShanInXYZ, 04.05.2024 à 18:09

Doctor Who ? C'est le nouveau jeu du quartier, un docteur à retrouver, à vous de jouer

choup37, 04.05.2024 à 21:22

Nouveau design sur Kaamelott, on attend vos avis

langedu74, 06.05.2024 à 21:15

Hello ! Une nouvelle session du ciné-émojis vient d'être lancée, rendez-vous sur HypnoClap pour deviner le film

Sonmi451, Avant-hier à 13:33

Nouveau design' dans Gilmore Girls, hésitez pas à donner votre avis!

CastleBeck, Hier à 23:08

Quatre quartiers sont en attente de clics dans les préférences. Merci pour eux.

Viens chatter !